How Can I Avoid Glyphosate-Residues? Certification is here!

Tractor spraying Roundup
Tractor spraying Roundup on young crops.

Roundup is the trade-name for glyphosate, an herbicide used as a weed killer and as desiccant (drying agent) in grain harvesting. Many choose to avoid this chemical in their diets to avoid potential health risks and until now, the best one could do was to buy organic (which prohibits glyphosate from being sprayed directly on the crop).

glyphosate_free_sealBut what about glyphosate residue? This can happen from spray-drift, or pollination from bees, or animals consuming glyphosate-containing feed, or manure spread as fertilizer upon fields. I’m happy to say that glyphosate-free certification is now available from The Detox Project.

Heavenly-Organics-HoneyHeavenly Organics (purveyors of wild-sourced honey) is one of the first companies to acquire this certification. I have spoken personally with their staff and I’m impressed with their commitment to eco-friendly honey harvesting which brings income to remote farmers in India and preserves ancient forests. The farmers sustainably harvest from the hives after sunset (while the bees are calm) and therefore they don’t need to use smoke while harvesting. The glyphosate-free certification is one more reason to buy from this excellent company.

Avocado-Oil-Chosen-FoodsAnother company utilizing this new certification is Chosen Foods for its avocado oil products. I’m a big fan of avocado oil because of its high smoke point – it is stable up to 500°F. I now use olive oil only for salad dressing, and instead use avocado oil for high heat applications such as broiling, barbecuing, sautéing and stir-frying.

Please remember that no matter your dreams or obstacles, you have the power to change your child’s life. I sincerely hope our resources can help you do just that.

Angela Taylor, MS, CNS, LDN is Board-Certified in Clinical Nutrition and is the author of The BrainFood Cookbook. She successfully recovered her son from autism using the SCD/GAPS/Paleo diet. She resides in Baltimore, MD and holds three degrees from John Hopkins University. Angela is a Licensed Clinical Nutritionist and works with clients via Skype and in-person in Baltimore. She also serves as Adjunct Faculty at Johns Hopkins University teaching Clinical Nutrition.

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