Magnetic Calcium Bentonite Clay

specialclayThere is a special clay found in the mountains of Wyoming that has a unique pulling/detoxifying action.

Done the traditional way, clay baths are messy (understatement!). These are instructions for the OLD way, which I don’t do anymore:
Fill the tub, add about a cup of clay powder, then put your kid in for 20 minutes (set a timer) No one else gets in the tub.
Get him out, rinse him off in the shower.
To drain tub:
I’d put a plastic cylinder (the outside sleeve of a Wonder Cup or Pampered Chef measuring cup) over the drain, to let most of the water out, while keeping most of the clay in the bottom of the tub. I then let it settle overnight with a few inches water in the tub.
By morning, all the clay had settled to the bottom. (But after you use the clay in the bath, the clay is toxic now, containing a lot of toxins from your kid, so you don’t want to touch it.)
Wearing rubber gloves, I’d carefully remove the plastic cylinder to allow the rest of the water to drain.
Then use a plastic dustpan to scoop out most of the clay into a trash bag and throw away. Wipe out what remains with paper towels, or rinse down the drain (hopefully your pipes won’t get clogged…)

So the traditional clay baths in the bathtub are so messy that I found myself never wanting to do one…

My new method with the clay water that is much less messy, by combining clay water + using my Optimum Focus detox foot bath.
Video: Clay bath combined with with ionic footbath
• Fill a blender jar with warm water, add a mere tablespoon of clay, whizz it together
• Footbath option #1: Pour the blender water into footbath tub. Add additional water to fill up the foot tub. Do Optimum Focus footbath for 20 minutes. Then dump the used water down the toilet.
• or preferable: Full body bath Option #2: Pour the blender water into bathtub. Add additional water to fill up the bathtub. Place child and array into tub, run for for 20 minutes. Pull the plug and drain as usual. Rinse tub and child.

Q: Why do I specify using the Optimum Focus brand of detox “footbath”?
A: The Optimum Focus is much more powerful than other brands, so the Optimum Focus is useful for clay, which is not as conductive as salt. I still aim for 1.0 Amps onscreen, but I have to turn the power dial up to the MAX (much higher with clay than with salt) to achieve a 1.0 Amps reading on the digital readout. I don’t yet know of any other footbaths on the market powerful enough to generate 1.0 Amps in clay water.

Angela Taylor, MS, CNS, LDN is Board-Certified in Clinical Nutrition and is the author of The BrainFood Cookbook. She successfully recovered her son from autism using the SCD/GAPS/Paleo diet. She resides in Baltimore, MD and holds three degrees from John Hopkins University. Angela is a Licensed Clinical Nutritionist and works with clients via Skype and in-person in Baltimore. She also serves as Adjunct Faculty at Johns Hopkins University teaching Clinical Nutrition.

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