
The BrainFood Cookbook by Dr. Angela Taylor, DCN, CNS, LDN - Board Certified Clinical Nutritionist
Foreword written by Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride
Gluten Free - Lactose Free - Soy Free - Sugar Free
Autism / ADHD Recovery using the SCD / GAPS / Paleo diet
The BrainFood Cookbook contains 12 chapters of recipes used by author Angela Taylor to successfully recover her child from Autism. The recipes are gluten-free, and based upon the Specific Carbohydrate Diet (SCD) / Gut and Psychology Syndrome Diet (GAPS) / Paleo diet which has been embraced in the Autism community.
The BrainFood Cookbook explains the SCD/GAPS/Paleo diet in an easy and delicious way to inspire busy parents who are desperate to heal their children, but may be daunted by learning a whole new way of cooking. The cookbook will appeal to inexperienced cooks, and to those who enjoy gourmet flavors. This book aims to demonstrate the power of food in changing lives like none other before it.
There is hope. You can start this today. You may be able to recover your child!
At the 2010 Defeat Autism Now conference, the SCD / GAPS diet was listed as the #1 most effective non-drug intervention for autistic children.
The BrainFood Cookbook contains:
A brief but inspiring testimonial of how Taylor recovered her son from Autism using the SCD/GAPS diet
An outline of the basic principles (and the science behind) the SCD/GAPS diet
Real-life tips for making it work
12 chapters of recipes, with a color photo of each recipe
I and many of my colleagues believe that ADHD, Asperger's Syndrome, and Autism are disorders which share many commonalites; therefore SCD/GAPS diet interventions may work to recover children diagnosed with these related disorders as well.
It is beyond doubt that food plays a very decisive role in preservation of human health, but also in the development of diseases. Nutrition scientists are discussing vehemently which diet is the "right one". Bio-individuality in genetic SNPs, biochemical values, nutrient deficiencies, intestinal permeability, and microbiome differences between individuals may result in the fact that one person tolerates well a particular foodstuff, whereas it causes problems for someone else.
As the Greek physician Hippocrates said more than 2000 years ago:
"Let food be thy medicine and let medicine be thy food." |
$12.99 pdf
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DISCLAIMER: All material and information presented by BrainFood Cookbook is intended to be used for educational purposes only. The statements made about products, supplements, or treatments have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). The information on this site is not intended to treat, cure, or prevent any condition or disease. Please consult with your own physician or health care practitioner before making changes to your diet, exercise routine, or lifestyle.
Last updated 2/24/2021
GAPSTM and Gut and Psychology SyndromeTM are the trademark and copyright of Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride. The right of Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride to be identified as the author of this work has been asserted by her in accordance with the Copyright, Patent and Designs Act 1988.